Fully automated and scalable leasing solution for DNB Bank

The vehicle leasing market in Europe is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.51% between 2022 and 2027. The market size is forecasted to increase by USD 90.87 billion, according to market research company Technavio. The vehicle leasing industry is an incredibly competitive market; for that reason, the largest bank in Norway – DNB – approached Baltic Amadeus with the request to create a leasing application solution.


DNB, the largest Norway financial services group, offers a full range of financial services, including loans, savings, advisory services, insurance and pension products for individuals and corporate customers. Besides, DNB has been involved in the Norwegian leasing market for several decades.

DNB approached the Baltic Amadeus with a request to develop a convenient car leasing application system for DNB’s leasing partners in all three Baltic countries – Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

As leasing is a complex operation, DNB needed a solution to support efficient cooperation between its leasing departments and car dealers. Also, the client aimed to ensure smooth, fast, safe, and more accessible leasing service provision and management for individual and corporate clients.



Baltic Amadeus team worked closely with DNB and created a Drupal technology-based three-tier architecture web solution. The developed leasing system was customised for the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian markets.

For the application forms management and configuration, our team used the Drupal as a Data form engine. Phalcon – a high-performing PHP framework based on the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture – was used to develop front-end application. Web service applications facilitated communication between different architecture tiers, ensuring high security.

Added value

The newly developed leasing system, named DNB Car Dealers, enabled the information exchange process between the DNB bank and car dealers. The system was also empowered to complete the leasing process smoothly and perform such actions as submitting leasing offers, registering applications and documents, receiving and submitting different reports, and others.

The new system fully automated the car leasing application submission, review, and other processes and optimised operational costs.

The unified DNB Car Dealers system operated in three Baltic countries. However, depending on the local operating business models, each country’s business logic and other factors, forms and reports were generated differently.


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