IT due diligence

Gain a deep understanding of your target’s IT situation and make confident investment decisions backed by IT due diligence results.

Arūnas Vrubliauskas
Head of Strategy Consulting
Beatričė Lenauskaitė
Business Development Executive

IT due diligence

Gain a deep understanding of your target’s IT situation and make confident investment decisions backed by IT due diligence results.

Arūnas Vrubliauskas
Head of Strategy Consulting
Beatričė Lenauskaitė
Business Development Executive

IT due diligence services

Technology assessment
Software and system audit
Security assessment
Data privacy compliance
IT governance review
Technical team evaluation
Risk analysis

Gain clear insights for your confident M&A decision

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the target’s technical strengths and weaknesses to be sure about your M&A transactions;
  • Use IT due diligence to spot potential deal-breakers from a technical perspective;
  • Be aware of the target’s capability to deliver as promised, implement their roadmap, and scale up effectively;
  • Get actionable recommendations to reduce risks and address problems, ensuring business continuity and growth;
  • Leverage IT due diligence to create a well-supported plan for optimising your technology investments, focusing on maximising returns.

IT due diligence checklist

Strategy and governance
People and organisation
Products and solutions
Technologies and infrastructure
Engineering and IT operations
Finances and sourcing
Security and compliance

Work with trusted IT experts

  • Personalised support and expertise. Communicate with top-tier consultants and IT experts, who ensure your unique needs are heard and accurately addressed in our work;
  • Credibility and diverse experience. Our certified experts have extensive experience guiding various organisations – from startups to global corporations;
  • Easy to understand reports. Our reports are comprehensive yet reader-friendly, designed for easy understanding;
  • Flexible and rapid delivery. Select the IT due diligence domains that suit your situation, and we ensure you receive results within 1-4 weeks by applying standardised methodology and proven tools.

Let’s work together

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    Alternatively, you may want to book a call back at a convenient time.

    Arūnas Vrubliauskas
    Head of Strategy Consulting
    Beatričė Lenauskaitė
    Business Development Executive