Modern data analytics, its principles, and tools

2022 05 25 · 1 min read

In our data-centric landscape, harnessing robust data analytics is key to unlocking business insights and navigating challenges effectively.  

When delving into extensive data repositories, selecting the right tools is paramount to maximising business advantages. That is why we have curated an interactive webinar showcasing modern data analytics’ core principles and cutting-edge tools. Dive into the recorded session to glean valuable insights into key questions, such as: 

  • How to simplify the data management process?   
  • How do you start using powerful self-service reporting?   
  • How do we reduce solution maintenance costs?   
  • How do we lay the foundation for more advanced analytics (ML&AI)?   

Modern data analytics webinar’s agenda 

  • 0:00 sec – Opening 
  • 5:54 sec – What is data analytics
  • 16:17 sec – Customer case study 
  • 42:48 sec – Special offer 
  • 44:08 sec – Q&A 

Webinar’s recording 

Modern data analytics using Azure services

About modern data analytics webinar 

Feel free to access the full presentation HERE.

Tautvydas Perminas explained the topic. Tautvydas is an IT expert with 15+ years of Business Intelligence (BI) experience. With proven experience within IT, Tautvydas is also Microsoft and Talend Data Integration Certified, additionally having Amazon Web Services (AWS) CSA. 

The webinar moderator, Robertas, is a Cloud Computing evangelist with 15+ years of experience working on various IT projects in multiple countries. One of his superpowers is building up and maintaining the competence around Microsoft & Amazon Web Services (AWS) technologies. Currently, he is on a mission to help organisations assess existing software solutions and prepare for application modernisation & innovation. 

Feel free to access the full webinar presentation

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