[Webinar] Learn to design data governance that delivers value

2022 04 05 · 2 min read

In today’s business landscape, data analytics is indispensable. Effective data collection and meticulous analysis through data analytics are instrumental in enhancing the quality of decision-making. Furthermore, clients demand data security, while employees seek streamlined and swift data management to support their daily productivity. 

Now, more than ever, it is crucial to set and execute an efficient data governance strategy within your organisation. 

Explore data analytics during the FREE webinar

We invite you to join us on 27th April 2022, 11 AM (EEST), for a free-of-charge webinar. Experts from Baltic Amadeus — Vitalis Kavaliauskas and Šarūnė Rimdeikytė will discuss the data governance essentials, explain how to choose the best data governance model for you, and how you can avoid challenges you may face while forming the proper data governance strategy.    

This session can be relevant for CIOs, CTOs, data architects, and other specialists interested in enabling strategic data analytics solutions. The 1-hour webinar will cover the practical presentation, Q&A session, and a unique offer for attendees.   

Join the data analytics webinar if you want to explore 

  • Modern data analytics capabilities and applicability to different types of companies;    
  • How data governance can create value and mitigate risks;   
  • How to merge on-premises and cloud data;   
  • What are the first steps for starting data optimisation at your company;   
  • Best practices of actual Baltic Amadeus and Talend experience.   

Learn together with industry experts   

The experts from Baltic Amadeus will share their professional experience and know-how on mastering data.   

Vitalis Kavaliauskas will take a virtual stage as the keynote speaker during the session. Vitalis is a tech professional with 15+ years of experience in business and IT. Vitalis uses his expertise in applying technology to bring new products to life and boost existing tech solutions. Now, Vitalis is taking a Chief Technology Officer’s position at Baltic Amadeus.   

The webinar’s moderator will be Šarūnė Rimdeikytė, Account Manager at Baltic Amadeus. Šarūnė’s expertise includes working in e-commerce, education, marketing, aviation, IT and other industries. Now, working in Sales, Šarūnė uses all her communication and problem-solving powers to foster liaisons between companies and their customers. She is multilingual, mastering Italian, Spanish, English and Lithuanian languages. 

Click to register now! 

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