The revenue growth of Baltic Amadeus in 2014 encourages to develop ambitious future plans

2015 02 11 · 2 min read

According to preliminary data, in 2014 the revenues of Baltic Amadeus, a company providing project based software development services, grew by 19% to € 2,555,956 while EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes) went up by 60.4%, when compared to the previous year.

“In 2014 we exceeded our expansion goals. IT service exports were responsible for 77% of total revenues, a growth of 47%. Our newly formed corporate strategy had the biggest impact on our results – it served as a guideline and allowed us to achieve the first desirable results,” explaining the changes said Baltic Amadeus CEO Andžej Šuškevič.

With increasing volumes the company was growing and expanding rapidly. At the end of 2014 the company’s employee number passed the 100 mark resulting in annual growth of 25%. This milestone will allow to grow and develop the activities even further by implementing large and ambitious IT projects while concentrating on establishing new partnerships.

“The company’s plans for 2015 are even more ambitious. By the end of the year we plan to create 50 new jobs. We believe that in spite of the huge competition in the market we will reach this goal by investing in each of our employees, providing them with the ability to create and implement many exciting IT projects, allowing them to not only act upon decisions, but to make their own ones, “ said A. Šuškevič.

In 2014 Baltic Amadeus activities were focused on the Baltic and Northern European regions – financial, energetics, telecommunication and shipping industry sectors.